Saturday, May 17, 2014

Donattello Workshop May of 2014

Invitation to the next Donattello Workshop. Next Thursday, May 22  at 11:00 at 6.48 of Facultat de Física, UB, C. de Martí i Franquès, 1

Interactive Presentations and Virtual Labs with Donattello.

Aula 648 

One of the most pressing challenges of science is the diffusion of our research to society in the Information Era, that has grown used to virtual experiences and interactive content. Scientific community still rely on the static slide-show format for both teaching or diffusion, wasting the powerful capabilities of modern computers. The creation of interactive material is usually perceived as too time consuming or hard in programming skills.

In this one-session workshop I would like to present  "Donattello Show": A small software package that run on the free-to-use game engine Unity3D.  Donattello puts all the ease and power of the game engine to the service of any scientist. You will realise how, with enough training, can be even more confortable to work with than power-points or latex-based packages.

I encourage to assist to this workshop with your laptop (with either Windows or Mac OS, not Linux yet) to start working with Donattello and prepare your own material.

With Unity3D and this package you will be able to:
- Create animated slide sets of text, image, 3D objects and interactive elements, organized as a classical slide show.
- Plot customizable graphics based on functions or selected columns from your data.
- Implement interactive real time models.
- Virtualize and reproduce real experiments from recorded data.

Software required:
- Unity3D game engine (4.0 or above):
- Donattello pre-alpha unity package:

DONDE va a ser: 
en la Facultat de Física, C. de Martí i Franquès, 1, Barcelona, junto a la salida de Palau Reial, linia 3 del metro.
Llegar a la salita donde se hará el taller es muy fácil
- Indicaciones entrando des de Martí i Franqués: junto a Palau Reial:
1- Entrar a la Facultad de Física i Quimica por el Hall de Química
2- Tomar el primer pasillo (el oscuro) a la izquierda: Pasareis por un umbral de cristal que pone "Facultat de Física": Buena señal
3- Alcanzar el final del pasillo oscuro: quedareis en frente de un reloj Ikea modelo BRAVUR
4- Vencer al Troll
5- Llamar a uno de los ascensores de la derecha.
6- Esperar ... esperar ...
7- Si llega el ascensor: subir hasta la 6a planta. Si está estropeado  deberéis subir andando por las escaleras de al lado (solo es una planta más que en Itnig)
8- Disfrutad de las bonitas vistas sobre el cementerio de les Corts.
9- Girar a la derecha cuando salgáis del ascensor.
- Indicaciones des de cualquier otra entrada:
10 - Salir del edificio
11 - Ir hasta la salida de metro de Palau Reial
12 - Volver al punto 1

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